There are different ways you can protect yourself energetically – and all of them are important. As you probably know when you’re interested in what energy is, we have an aura and we have frequencies we vibrate on, these are our ‘vibrations’. We can learn to do certain things and not to do other things in order to not feel drained because somebody robbed our energy and brought our vibrations down to lower frequencies.
However, you can also protect yourself in a way where other spirits don’t have access to you. This is a much more complicated topic and I had to do some additional research on this. However, once we understand it a little it can protect us from uncomfortable encounters.
What are energy vampires?
There are people who vibrate higher and others that vibrate lower. Of course, our energy levels can change depending on our mood, our attitudes, our stress levels, the people we surround ourselves with and so on. In this blog, I explain in detail what you can do to raise your vibrations. Some of those things are grounding, meditation, a healthy lifestyle, gratitude, self-love and self-acceptance, physical contact and engagement in things that you love, whether that’s a hobby, meeting a friend or relaxing.
Energy vampires are people that vibrate on lower frequencies that we do and “rob” our energy when we engage with them. Those are usually people who complain a lot, are negative, gossip, are unkind etc. However, it can totally be nice people too but because of the stress that’s going on in their life or the worries they have, they seek out people they can ‘rest on’ – and that way also steal our energy.
How to protect yourself from energy vampires
Therefore, it’s important to first of all do anything you can to raise your own vibrations, especially after someone ‘stole’ your energy. You can identify this whenever you feel drained after spending time with someone. If you always feel tired after hanging out with someone, or if you subconsciously don’t like their presence even though they’re really nice, it’s probably because of that reason.
But secondly, you should also try to avoid those energy vampires as good as you can. It’s important to note that energy vampires don’t always have to be people. It can also be too many worries and stress, overworking or working in a job you hate, an unhealthy lifestyle, including junk food, not enough sleep, not enough movement, too much screentime, not enough fresh air or sunlight, dehydration and lastly overthinking, anxiety or living in the past.
Not taking care of yourself and engaging in a lifestyle that contains too many of the above things can also mean that actually you have become an energy vampire and you just don’t know it.
Instead of engaging with such energy vampires or exposing yourself to them, try to take as good care of yourself as you can and spend as much time with people and things that do give you energy. These are mostly the opposite things of said things above – so a healthy lifestyle, including a good diet, enough sleep, movement, water intake, time outside, doing things you like, resting and relaxing and so on.
What are entities?
When I did some research on this topic, I found the following information. As explained here, we are souls that eventually die and go back to the spirit world to engage with our spirit guides, rest, choose a new body and life to live and eventually decide to get reborn, right? Of course, the whole thing is more complicated, I encourage you to read more about it.
Now, the thing is, souls don’t always go back immediately after they die because they feel like they still have an ‘unfinished business’ on earth and they decide to stay a little longer. Perhaps they don’t want to let go of someone they love that still lives so they don’t leave right away.
Personally, I don’t really believe in demons, or at least I haven’t read enough about them yet to truly support the belief of their existence. Whether or not they do exist, those souls that still remain on earth after death sometimes try to engage with us. This doesn’t mean they want to harm us – because the souls is inherently good – however there are ways we can protect ourselves from them (let’s say just in case).
How to protect your energy from entities
The first thing is always prayer. Whether you pray to God, to the universe, to your spirit guide, to dead loved ones or to something else doesn’t matter. But belief is known to make us stronger and it makes us less vulnerable to the world – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!
The second thing would be to imagine a light – or rather a protective aura – that surrounds you while you walk through your days. Imagining a strong energy around our bodies can make us more resistant to any energy there is around us – whether that’s the other people’s low vibrations or any entities that you could be afraid of.
Also, alcohol and sex make us energetically more vulnerable. When we sleep with someone, we share our energy with them. As I have written here, as healthy, and natural and beautiful sex can be, it’s also a way to share your energy with your partner, which is not always a good thing. We then open ourselves up to another person and let them into our energy – this includes any emotional wounds, traumas, worries etc. that we or they might have.
Of course, this is something personal that everybody has to decide for themselves, but when sleeping around and especially with people you don’t know or don’t trust (yet) you become vulnerable and fragile and your aura becomes weaker, meaning that they can steal your energy and bring your vibrations down to lower frequencies. Let’s say they have entities around them, this could potentially make you more accessible to them too.
If you have ever felt down for no reason out of nowhere, this could be exactly a consequence of having opened your energy to people you don’t really know and are now experiencing their worries or moods.
Let’s conclude
Of course, the topic is really complicated. Whether entities or even demons exist is questionable and deserves their own essay. I will write one as soon as I feel competent and knowledgeable enough to share this opinion on the internet.
In the meantime, I strongly encourage you to try to engage in a lifestyle that’s physically, mentally and spiritually as healthy as can be. I recommend you only make yourself energetically vulnerable to people you know and trust. And I hope you don’t engage us much with negative people or other energy vampires and instead spend more time with people and activities that do give you energy. This will make your whole aura more resistant and less vulnerable. Also, try to imagine the light around your body when you walk through the streets and try to see if you notice a difference.
As usual, I hope this post was relevant and interesting to you.
I hope to see you in the next one! <3